السبت ٢٧ - يوليو - ٢٠٢٤ 
السبت ٢٧ - يوليو - ٢٠٢٤  /  العدد

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The delivery of the corvette “Damsah”, the second of the Al Zubarah-class
of four vessels ordered to Fincantieri by the Qatari Ministry of Defence within the national naval
acquisition program, took place today at the Muggiano (La Spezia) shipyard.

The ceremony, held in a restricted format and in full compliance with anti-contagion requirements,
was attended by Brigadier General Abdulla Al Mazroey, Deputy Chief of the Qatar Navy and
Commander of the Flottilla, Major General Staff Hilal Al Muhannadi, Defense Attaché of the State of
Qatar in Rome, Rear Admiral Pierpaolo Ribuffo, Maritime Commander – North, and by Marco Acca,
Deputy General Manager Naval Vessels Division of Fincantieri.
The Al Zubarah-class corvettes, designed consistent with the RINAMIL rules, will be highly flexible
and capable of fulfilling different kinds of tasks, from surveillance with sea rescue capacities to being
fighting vessels. They will be about 107 meters long, 14.70 meters wide, and equipped with a
combined diesel and diesel plant (CODAD), with a maximum speed of 28 knots. The units will be
able to accommodate 112 persons on board.
Furthermore, the corvettes will be capable of operating high-speed boats such as RHIB (Rigid Hull
Inflatable Boat) through lateral cranes or a hauling ramp located at the far stern. The flight deck and
hangar are sized for hosting one NH90 helicopter.

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