العدد 3363
الأحد ٢٨ - أبريل - ٢٠٢٤ 
الأحد ٢٨ - أبريل - ٢٠٢٤  /  العدد 3363

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Collins Aerospace and Taqnia Cyber to collaborate on secured communications in Saudi Arabia
Collins Aerospace and Taqnia Cyber announced today that they have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to collaborate on reliable, secure, and advanced communication solutions for military applications in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The agreement was signed today at a ceremony at the first edition of the World Defense Show in Riyad, featuring Mr. Zeyad Al khalifa, Chief executive officer of Taqnia Cyber and Colin Mahoney, President of Customer & Account Management for Collins Aerospace.

The MoU is expected to benefit the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the development of sovereign, secure and advanced communications. As a leader in airborne and ground communication for the battlespace, Collins Aerospace will collaborate with Taqnia Cyber in the field of C4I,next generation data links and transmission security.

“Over the past decades, Collins Aerospace has had an active presence in the Kingdom in all our areas of expertise in both commercial and defense markets“, said Colin Mahoney, President of Customer & Account Management for Collins Aerospace. “This cooperation with Taqnia Cyber will strengthen our position as a technology partner of communication solutions for multi domain operations and serves as a contribution to the kingdom’s “Vision 2030” program, promoting local business development initiatives.”

“Our company’s role is to steer and commercialize the output of R&D in information and communication security in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We are interested in building partnerships with strategic companies like Collins Aerospace to support our research in the development of sovereign communication capabilities”, said Mr. Zeyad Al khalifa, Chief Executive Officer of Taqnia Cyber. “Through this collaboration, we aspire to leverage Collins Aerospace expertise in the areas of secure communications”.

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