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Secure Zones with Retinar PTR

Ground Surveillance Radars (GSR) are high technology sensor systems that monitor activity surroundings or on critical infrastructure areas such as airports, military bases, borders, refineries and other critical infrastructures. These radars are characterized by their ability to detect movement at ground level of targets such as an individual walking or crawling or different size of vehicles.

GSR serve as the primary sensor for security operations and eliminate the need for continuous scanning by security personnel using cameras or binoculars, as field observation radars are capable of integrating with camera systems and other sensors.

It is important to use GSR at border areas or critical facilities as they are also very effective for bad weather conditions such as foggy and cloudy weathers. Thermal camera systems lose their effectiveness on this kind of bad weather conditions, but Ground Surveillance Radars are still effective as usual during fog.

The main GSR system, used by the Turkish Armed Forces for border security and security of military bases within the scope of portable ground surveillance radars, is the Retinar PTR Perimeter Surveillance Radar, developed entirely domestically by Turkish company Meteksan Defence.

Retinar PTR is a high technology radar system designed to be used in field surveillance, security operations, border and perimeter security. The system can be easily carried by two personnel in backpacks by mobile and enables detection of human and animal sized moving targets from a distance of 4 km, vehicles from a distance of 8-10 km. Retinar PTR, which can classify threats such as humans, animals and vehicles with spectrogram analysis, shows high performance especially in fog and bad weather conditions when electro-optic systems are insufficient. Especially in such weather conditions, thanks to the high resolution feature that comes with a high operating frequency, it can demonstrate to its radar operator by parsing movements that require very low and detailed analysis, such as a person who moves by crawling or crouching.

Retinar PTR automatically scans large areas, eliminating the need for security personnel to constantly scan with cameras or binoculars, and can operate integrated with camera systems and various other sensors. The system can scan sectoral or 360 degrees scanning according to the area needs to be secured. In addition, it can can adapt the scanning method to the land by changing the elevation angle (tilt) according to the profile. In case of hilly environment, the radar can automatically arrange it’s tilt angle while it is horizontally doing 360 degrees scanning.

Retinar PTR interface has a design that minimizes the training need of the user and enables even personnel without radar operator training to use the system effectively. It provides audible and visual warnings to the user for threats detected within easily defined friendly and alarm zones. It increases situational awareness with its polar display with digital map base and increases the user's situational awareness with the satellite map feature. With its built-in compass and GPS support, it provides the user with automatic direction calibration support without the need for manual calibration. Additionally, use can automatically find location of radar by the help of GPS and satellite&street map support System health is constantly under control with advanced Built-In Test (BIT) features. With the recording and playback feature, retrospective situation analysis can be performed and records related to past operations can be kept and watched. Anyone who can use a smart mobile phone can use the Retinar PTR radar.

Retinar PTR’s operational units are radar unit, rugged user interface laptop, tripod, double battery set and cables, the whole Retinar PTR system can be placed in two specially designed backpack type carrying cases. These backpacks are rugged and resistant for rain. In this configuration, the system, which can be carried by two personnel with one backpack for each person (each bag has a load of less than 20kg), can be used not only for border and base security but also for team security in the field. Retinar PTR, which can work for 6-8 hours in the field with a double battery set, can work for 24 hours with a fully charged special battery pack. It is also very reliable for extreme environmental conditions such as too hot and cold weathers because Retinar PTR is MIL-STD-810G compliant radar system.

Retinar PTR, which has long been included in the inventory of the Turkish Land Forces and Turkish Gendarmerie, is actively used in border and base security in Turkey. Retinar PTR also achieved export success with its successful results in the field, has become the radar choice in Asian and European countries. More than 100 radars are operational around the globe. As a result of these references, Retinar PTR became field proven product in various environments of Europe, Asia and Middle East and well known brand worlwide. Demand for Retinar PTR Radar, which has been proven to be used in the field, is increasing day by day.

Meteksan Defence is also able to offer innovative solutions for different needs in perimeter security with Retinar PTR-X Fixed Perimeter Surveillance Radar, Retinar OPUS Integrated Radar and Camera, Retinar FAR-AD Drone Detection Radar and KAPAN Anti-Drone System.

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