السبت ٢٧ - يوليو - ٢٠٢٤ 
السبت ٢٧ - يوليو - ٢٠٢٤  /  العدد

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Leonardo delivered the last upgraded ship to Royal Bahrain Naval Force
The sixth naval unit “Al Taweelah” fully upgraded is equipped with state-of-the-art systems included the new Leonardo’s Combat Management Systems (CMS) able to integrate and coordinate in real time all information coming from various sensors installed on board.

The achievement reflects Leonardo’s commitment in supporting Bahraini Defence Armed Forces and its excellence in the naval domain.

Today more than 70 international Navies have chosen Leonardo systems and technologies to equip over 1,000 vessels.
Last week during a ceremony in Mina Salman at Royal Bahrain Navy Head Quarter, Leonardo delivered the last of six upgraded naval vessels, “Al Taweelah” ship, after completing successfully all Integrated Sea Acceptance Test (ISAT). This important milestone follows and completes a deal signed in 2015 with Bahrain Defence Forces.

As for the previous units, the Al Taweelah upgrade includes a new weapon control system, training services and logistic support. Thanks to Leonardo's new Combat Management System (CMS), an example of the high technological level expressed by the company, the ship is now able to integrate and coordinate in real time all information coming from various sensors installed on board. The CMS enabling the automatic coordination of weapons systems in terms of threat assessment, operation planning and control of armaments during combat.

For naval missions Leonardo’s offer spans from turn-key combat management systems for maritime surveillance and security, to naval guns, ammunition, underwater systems for all classes of military vessels, manned and unmanned vehicles and sensors. It includes the most advanced naval training and maintenance offer and satellite systems and services for Earth observation and geo-location, for marine environmental monitoring and maritime security. Today more than 70 international Navies have chosen Leonardo systems and technologies to equip over 1,000 vessels.

Bahrain, as well as other countries in the Gulf region, can be further supported by Leonardo’s expertise in the naval field, where the company has a track-record in the upgrade of corvettes, offshore patrol vessels and frigates, and in the land sector, where the company offers fully integrated solutions, warfare systems and cost-effective overhaul programmes.

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