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Rosoboronexport JSC (part of the Rostec State Corporation) presented to its foreign partners weapons for all segments of the global arms market at the Army 2020 International Military-Technical Forum at Kubinka near Moscow.

This year, the Army Forum was the first major event for the global defense industry following the lifting of restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Forum provided a signal to the global arms market to recover and gave an impetus to the further development of military-technical cooperation with foreign countries. This was a great opportunity for Russian defense companies to show their readiness to increase deliveries of high-tech products and expand their geographic footprint.
For several years, the Army Forum has become not only one of the most representative Russian exhibition projects, but also one of the most authoritative international venues for discussing issues of military and military-technical cooperation. Rosoboronexport is one of the main sponsors and active participants of the event.
Among the key features of the Army Forum are the exceptional visibility and comprehensive nature of the exhibition. The combination of static displays and live demonstrations makes it possible to better assess the advantages of the presented weapons, military and special equipment, and civilian products. For this purpose, three Land Forces, Naval and Air Force demonstration clusters are used.
The exhibition was enable the Forum guests to appreciate Rosoboronexport's comprehensive approach to ensuring the security of the countries concerned. The Company offers its partners to build a balanced system that combines various types of weapons and military equipment, modern communications/control/robotics technologies, situation control and information protection systems.
Five past Army Forums have confirmed that Russian weapons and military and dual-use equipment attract particular attention of specialists from many countries. Through military and military-technical cooperation with Russia many States see the path to ensure their security and sovereignty.
The list of products that Rosoboronexport show at the Army Forum sites covers all segments of today’s market of weapons, military and special equipment.

Multipurpose electrically-driven remote-control homing torpedo
The TE-2 multipurpose electrically-driven remote-control homing torpedo is designed to engage submarines, surface combatants and other targets when fired from submarines and surface ships in autonomous and remote-control modes.
The TE-2 torpedo can be employed in ocean areas with water salinity of 30-35 ppm and water temperatures from 0°C to +25 °C.
The torpedo features a three-beam anti-ship homing system, absence of an acoustic proximity fuze, and use of an active proximity electromagnetic fuze, which detonates when the torpedo passes near a surface combatant or submarine.
The TE-2 torpedo is being developed in three variants:
• TE-2-01 with mechanical data input;
• TE-2-02 with electric data input;
• TE-2-03 with electric data input via a control and launch console.
Main characteristics
Caliber: 534,4 mm
torpedo with command wire coil (for submarine-launched): 8288 mm
torpedo w/o command wire coil (submarine- and ship-launched): 7828 mm
torpedo with command wire coil: 2450 kg
torpedo w/o command wire coil: 2400 kg
explosive charge: 250 kg
Average speed to full range (water salinity of 35 ppm and water temperature of +15°C)
mode I: 45 ± 2 knots
mode II: 32 ± 3 knots
mode I: 15000 m
mode II: 25000 m
Submarine engagement depth: periscope depth to 350 m

Multipurpose deep-sea self-homing torpedo
The UGST multipurpose deep-sea self-homing wire-guided torpedo is designed to engage enemy submarines, surface ships and vessels, and stationary targets.
• hardware/electronic module with active-passive and wire guidance systems, and a propulsion control system;
• warhead section;
• fuel tank section;
• power plant section;
• tail section;
• command wire coil.

The UGST torpedo is fielded with surface ships and submarines, equipped with 533mm torpedo tubes. A 7.2-m long basic modification of the torpedo can be included into the arsenal of carrier ships fitted with Russian-standard torpedo tubes, whereas a 6.05-m modification can be launched from NATO-standard torpedo tubes. The torpedo interoperability with carrier ship systems is provided by setting up software of the system unit during customization of the given ship project. Solutions for its integration with carrier ships currently upgraded are developed envisaging delivery of a special interface pre-launch preparation panel for entering data into the torpedo before launch.
Main characteristics
Caliber: 534,4 mm
Length: 7,2 (6,05) m
torpedo: 2200(1880) kg
explosive: up to 300 kg
mode I: 50 knots
mode II: 35 knots
Target engagement depth: 8-500 m
Submarine launch depth: up to 400 m
Homing system reaction radius
for submarines: up to 2,5 km
for surface ships: up to 1,2 km
Surface ship wake indication time: up to 350 s
Fuse reaction radius
for submarines: 2 m
for surface ships: 6-8 m
Remote control wire length
torpedo reel: up to 25 km
towed reel: up to 5 km

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