الجمعة ٢٦ - يوليو - ٢٠٢٤ 
الجمعة ٢٦ - يوليو - ٢٠٢٤  /  العدد

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The new Board of Directors of FINCANTIERI S.p.A. (“Fincantieri” or the “Company”), appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting held today, which will remain in office until the Shareholders’ Meeting for the approval of the financial statements as at December 31, 2024, met today, in plenary form, under the chairmanship of Claudio Graziano.

The Board appointed Pierroberto Folgiero as Chief Executive Officer and approved the powers’ attribution, except from those reserved to the Board of Directors’ exclusive jurisdiction.
The Chairman, Claudio Graziano, was granted powers related to institutional representation, supervision of the corporate security and of the internal control and risk management system.
The Chief Executive Officer, Pierroberto Folgiero, was granted extensive powers in the matters of ordinary and extraordinary management of the Company and for the submission of business plans and annual budgets to the Board of Directors.
It was also decided that the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer will jointly participate in the definition of the communication and institutional relations activities, in the definition and development of national and international strategies and in the Company’s internationalization activities.
The Board of Directors, on the basis of the declarations and information provided by the candidates, with reference to all the Directors, assessed that the integrity and professional requirements were met and that no causes of ineligibility and incompatibility exist, as required by current regulations. The respect of the maximum number of directorships was also ascertained, taking into account as well the guidelines adopted by the Company on the matter. The Board of Directors also assessed that the Directors Paolo Amato, Alberto Dell’Acqua, Paola Muratorio, Cristina Scocchia, Valter Trevisani and Alice Vatta meet the independence requirements provided for by Article 147-ter, paragraph 4 and Article 148, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree No. 58 of February 24, 1998 as well as Article 2 of the Corporate Governance Code of Borsa Italiana, to which the Company adheres.
The Board of Statutory Auditors verified the correct application of the criteria adopted by the Board of Directors.
Fincantieri’s Board of Directors for the three years period 2022-2024 is hence composed as follows:
- Claudio Graziano (Executive Chairman)
- Pierroberto Folgiero (Chief Executive Officer)
- Paolo Amato (Non-executive and Independent Director)
- Alessandra Battaglia (Non-executive Director)
- Alberto Dell’Acqua (Non-executive and Independent Director)
- Massimo Di Carlo (Non-executive Director)
- Paola Muratorio (Non-executive and Independent Director)
- Cristina Scocchia (Non-executive and Independent Director)
- Valter Trevisani (Non-executive and Independent Director)
- Alice Vatta (Non-executive and Independent Director)

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